I started geocaching almost immediately after receiving my first GPS unit as a Christmas present in December 2005. Although Geometry has been on my teaching load for the many years I've been in education, I have a terrible sense of direction but a real love of mapping and data so this was the perfect gift for me. However, upon opening the package I wanted to do something with my new toy, so I signed up for an account on geocaching.com and within a few days had one find in each of PA, NY and NJ. I was really impressed by the accuracy of my Garmin 60cs and by the excitement involved in finding a cache.
I enjoy seeking a variety of caches, mostly nontraditional caches and especially puzzle caches. I appreciate caches at historical sites, caches tastefully hidden in unusual places, near old cemeteries, and tunnel/underground caches. I love it when a cache surprises you with seeing an old, abandoned ruin of some kind. I really enjoy finding a cache that has some sort of creative placement or container - a great cache should stimulate the mind as well as the body. I'm more likely to remember a carefully-thought-out hide that makes you think outside the box or one in a memorable spot. Finding a state's or province's oldest geocache is also a personal favorite. A special bonus is the way this sport has led me to discover many cool sites I'd never have found any other way, some right in my home area. And there's nothing like the fraternity of geocachers I've met while caching and at events. I really enjoy some good challenge geocaches, and I especially love solving, finding, and writing entertaining puzzle caches.
Interview on Geocache Talk Network, Show #258
 Interview on Cacheamaniacs.com, Show #102
View tracks and photos of some of my documented Garmin Adventures! I had started documenting some memorable geocache hikes using Garmin Adventures. (SORRY, Garmin has unfortunately dropped support for Garmin Adventures.
First featured on Geocaching Puzzle of the Day for my puzzle cache, PO Box, and later for several of my other puzzles.
Download slides from my presentation, "Enhancing Mathematics Instruction via Earthcaching,"from the First International Earthcache Event, September 2, 2012
Favorite experience in geocaching: Completion of all of PA's 67 counties for the PA All Counties Challenge - so widely varying sites and experiences, nothing can touch the Keystone State! This is still the most fun I've had in geocaching.
Geo-Bucket List: - Find a cache in all of US states and Canadian provinces .
Favorite parks in which I've cached: - National Park: Yellowstone NP
- State Parks: Letchworth SP, New York; First Landing SP, Virginia; Custer SP, South Dakota
- Mount St. Helens NVM, Washington
- finds in each of 49 US states, 9 Canadian provinces, and DC
- hides in 18 states and one province: PA, NY, NJ, RI, LA, SD, FL, AL, CO, TX, NS, NE, GA, MO, VA, MD, HI, KS
- Earthcache finds in all of the 49 states, DC, and the following provinces: ON, QC, NS, PEI, NB, AB.
- attended events in 27 states and 2 foreign countries, hosted in 16* states and one foreign country: PA*, NY*, NJ*, UT, MD*, WA, CT, AL*, SC, VA, MO*, ME*, TX*, CO*, OH*, MN, FL*, MD*, NE, MI, Haiti*, MA, NB, IL*, NC*, ND*, HI*, WV*
- FTFs in 20 US states/DC: PA, NJ, NY, OH, TX, NE, MO, DC, KS, MI, MN, FL, GA, MS, AL, VA, AZ, KY, WY, WV;
- finds on 49 states' oldest active caches plus DC and 3 Canadian provinces, only lacking AK;
- found geocaches in all counties in the following states: PA, NJ, DE, CT, RI, MA, NY, NH, VT, MD, ME, AZ, WY, SC, VA;
- found geocaches in all Delorme grids in the following states: PA, NJ, DE, CT, RI, NY;
- has a contiguous county set that includes all 48 contiguous states;
- finds in all of the counties in the Northeastern USA;
- Triple-Jasmer complete (at least three caches found for each month since 5/2000
- a longest streak of over 500 consecutive days with at least one find.
- found caches as low as (below) sea-level and as high as over 14K feet.

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